Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6
Most of the time we are careful to point out the fact that there are not many ways to God, but only one. I think this verse also makes it clear that a way exists. Many people in our day have the mistaken notion that there are many ways to God and that as long as someone is sincere in what he believes, he’s home free. Jesus, of course, contradicts that belief by what He says here. However He is also making it clear that there is a way. Other people today believe that there is no way. No way exists to either know or reach eternal life. Eternal life probably doesn’t even exist according to them. However, Jesus refutes both ideas with one statement, “I am the way….”
There are some people I know who believe that Jesus was a great person, a good teacher and moral example. If you think about it carefully though, what conclusion should we come to when someone claims that He is the only way to God. He goes so far as to elaborate on this at the end of the verse so that there can be no mistaking what He is saying. “No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Can there be any respect for a great teacher and moral leader who makes this claim if it isn’t true? If Jesus is not God as He claimed to be, then He is not worth following at all.