Monday, April 23, 2007

A Picture of Humility

The picture Jesus used to illustrate humility is interesting to me. There are probably other things He could have used if all He was trying to teach was the need for humility. In this instance, though, He used a cleansing process. To me this shows that what we do for one another is a type of spiritual cleansing. We are our brother’s keeper. Not in a pride, arrogant and pharisaical way, but in a humble serving way. James 5:16 tells us that we are to confess our faults to one another and thus be healed. Galatians 6:1 tells us that when a brother is overtaken in a fault, a spiritual person should restore this one with a spirit of humility. I Thessalonians 5:11 tells us that we are to edify one another. All of these verses speak of a humble cleansing process that Christians do for one another.

This, of course, takes a great deal of humility. It takes humility to receive admonition and spiritual advice from someone else. Just as Peter resisted, we often resist. We don’t need the help. We can do it on our own. Who do they think they are to give us advice or challenge our behavior?

It also takes humility on the part of the person reaching out to give the spiritual assistance. Jesus laid aside his regular garments and dressed like a servant. We should do the same when playing this role.

This cleansing or washing that we do for one another needs to be based on the Word. Ephesians 5:26 says about Christ that He “gave Himself for her {the church}, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word.” Our service to one another in the sense that I am writing about today is based on and uses the Word of God. We have not right to take our personal preferences and opinions and impose them on other people. Rather, we are to use the Word of God as the cleansing agent. It alone has the power to cleanse and change lives. We need to take the Word, make sure we have applied it to our own lives first (Matthew 7:3), and then gently and humbly help others in their walk with Christ. Paul had said in Philippians 1 that his purpose for having been left here on earth was for the progress and joy of faith of others. (vs 25) and that should be the same for us.